I've been working as a software engineer for the past 2.5 years. Here's a timeline of my professional growth and key milestones.
Started working as a Software Developer In Test at Turkish Airlines Technology.
Still working as a software engineer at a startup...
Started working as a software engineer at a startup.
Life goals:
Add and manage players with positions and skill levels.
Generate balanced teams based on skills and positions.
Choose from various formations for 7vs7 teams.
Analyze skills to ensure balanced team performance.
Download your created teams as an image.
View detailed stats of team and player performance.
Save teams and edit them for future matches.
Simple and intuitive navigation for team management.
Track movies, TV series, and games in one place.
Keep tabs on your movie watchlist and history.
Monitor your series completion percentage.
Organize and track your gaming collection.
Categorize content with various viewing statuses.
Up-to-date info from The Movie Database.
Manage your lists from any device.
Get suggestions based on your preferences.